Monday, October 15, 2012

Revenge Season 2 Episode 3 Recap - Confidence

The episode opens with Emily and Aiden trying to outrun a pack of dogs through a maze. This scene gives us a little history of Emily and Aiden’s past training with Takeda. Aiden wins the training session by outsmarting Emily because she let her emotions cloud her judgment. As we’ve seen throughout the series, this is Emily’s major weakness.

In the present, Emily and Aiden begin arguing over the dead White-Haired Man’s phone. She wants the phone to locate her mother. He wants the phone to track down The Initiative. Aiden secretly removes a set of keys from the White-Haired Man’s jacket before Emily hits him over the head with a bottle. Finally the White-Haired Man is gone! He was beginning to get annoying but not as annoying as Tyler. Oh gosh, nobody could be as annoying as Tyler. I’m still wondering what Emily did with the body and how she was able to dispose of it without Victoria noticing (in the previous scene Victoria was standing with Daniel watching over Emily’s bungalow). I’m assuming that this body will turn up similarly to Franks; at the wrong place and at the wrong time later in the series. Furthermore, how was Emily able to carry an unconscious Aiden outside of the house, left and dispose of him in a dumpster with a plan ticket back to Japan? Nolan’s not the only person in Revenge whose been working out this summer.

Aiden wakes up the next morning and barely escapes being crushed in a dump truck. He goes to the motel that the White-Haired Man was staying at and finds the flight log for the crashed plane. As Aiden is leaving the motel, Em’s mom approaches him and asks who he is. He explains that he is a detective. She doesn’t trust him and calls the police department. We now know that she is working with the White-Haired Man.
Meanwhile, Emily blackmails Amanda into giving her father’s notebook from jail to Charlotte. She even marks points of interest for Charlotte to read. Victoria is well again and decides to invite Emily over for tea. Victoria warns Emily to stay away from the Grayson household. Honestly, after watching ABC’s Q and A with all of the actors both Emily and Victoria’s ‘spats’ seem a little too forced. The inside joke has been exposed and some of the edge that was usually associated with the archenemies smart alec responses has dulled. In any event, in Victoria’s mind she has used Emily and is now sending her away.

Victoria is holding a press conference on the same day and in a private interview tells a reporter that she is changing her ways. That she wants to turnover a new leaf. An angry Charlotte stomps in and reports that Victoria was behind her biological father’s death and tells the reporter that David Clarke is her father. Victoria threatens the reporter for liability. Lo and behold, Emily is there to witness the whole fiasco go down. Victoria admits that Charlotte is David Clarke’s daughter and that Amanda is her half-sister. Jack on the other hand is now angry at Amanda for joining forces with the Graysons’.  He is also angry at Declan for stealing and being caught and now he owes the man for not reporting Declan to the police.

At the end of the episode, Emily trades all the items that she received from the white-haired man for the flight log except for a locket which contains her mother’s picture. Her mother and the White-Hair Man are not only in cahoots but they have a romantic relationship with one another! Conrad announces that he a Victoria will be remarried at the end of the summer. Aiden and Amanda were an item before Aiden snuck off in the middle of the night to save his sister which turned out to be a failed mission. He wants to work with Emily now to help her on her mission (he placed Victoria’s fake passport in Daniel’s way so that Daniel would know that her kidnapping was all a rouse). Emily still doesn’t trust him.

Funniest parts of the episode: These parts were quite ironic. Nolan finally being able to show off his new ‘skills’, getting taken down by Aiden and asking why he is always being ambushed.  Also, when Daniel finally is in on the fact that everyone (Conrad +Charlotte) knows that Victoria staged her kidnapping. Daniel is always the last to know. Rolling my eyes.
Final question of the evening: Where is Ashley? Did she disappear out of the mansion because Victoria is back? Why didn’t Victoria have some smart comment for Ashley dating Daniel? I’m assuming because Victoria just like all of us realizes that it’s just a fling.

Where do you guys think this season is going? What big surprises are you hoping will materialize? Also how do you feel about the crush that Nolan’s coworker has on him? Do you think that she is working with someone to take Nolan down or is she simply jealous of Emily?